Change of Plans

If you´re keeping track of my past blog posts, you know that I´ve been practicing blindfolded chess. Even though I´ve practiced a lot, I don´t feel confident to play a full game of chess and neither does Anthony. As a result, we came up with a new plan. For our presentation, Anthony and I have to decide to just play a regular chess match.

If I play with the black pieces, I have decided to play the French Defense for the final match. To practice the French, I decided to invite Anthony over and play a couple matches. In total, we played 7 matches where I won 5 of them and he won 2. Every time I played with the black pieces, I would play the French defense and win more than half the time.

Also, over the last 2-3 weeks I’ve been contacting chess people/places and either they don’t reply, it costs money, or a bot responds. There was one person, named Troy, who would’ve helped us if he wasn’t in Europe at the moment.

Sorry, this was supposed to be posted a few days ago, I guess I just forgot to publish it.

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