Change of Plans

This week, instead of running the trial and error, I decided to start contacting my expert. I just started working on bubble tea and it would be a huge help to get some tips about it.

I started off by calling a bubble tea place called “Presotea”. I have been here multiple times in the past and they have always served amazing bubble tea, which is why I wanted to call them first.

They actually picked up the phone and I intoduced myself and explained to them what I needed. We worked together to set a date on when I can come. The person on the phone told me that I will be talking to someone named Bella as she is the owner. The person on the phone told me that they were going to ask Bella when she’s not busy and get back to me tomorrow.

The next day, the same staff member that contacted me the day before contacted me back and said that Bella will be working on January 2nd and Janurary 3rd from 10:30 to 8. I was thrilled and nervous when I heard that I was able to talk to an actual expert.

Next week, I will start making a list of questions to ask Bella.

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